A lovely engine purchased in June 2019 from the collection of John Guard. Was a local purchase. Currently missing the big end bearing. A good look in the shed by the previous owner may still uncover it. Otherwise complete.
Thanks to Chris Guard we have a bit more history. John & Chris Guard were fisherman in the Marlborough Sounds and spotted the engine in a tin shed in South East Bay in the Pelorus Sound circa 1947. It was purchased by them in 1972 for $25, dismantled to shift it and then restored to going condition by John.
The previous owner was Mr Chris Jones.
Serial number R1682
My first low tension hit n miss engine so getting it going will be fun.
A big engine that will take a bit of shifting about. Some wheels purchased and cart plans on the drawing board.
Things to do:
Coil and battery to test ignitor
Cart for transportation. Wheels purchased (Oct 2019) from ad in Beaded Wheels magazine. Have enough now for future projects.
Big end bearing. A request on an engine facebook page unearthed one in Georgia USA. Sent to a friend and to be collected in March 2020. It is a cast copy so will need machining to size.
Piston oiler
New name plate
Fuel system
Cooling system. A suitable drum purchased and will adapted to suit.
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